WORMS - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 24 October 2017


Cina: It is the head remedy for round, thread and tape worms with grinding of teeth and should be given in IX potency. The patient is restless, constant rubbing of the nose. Loss of appetite or increase in appetite. It also stops convulsions due to worms in which case it should be given in high potency, say 200 or 1000.

Anantherum: Tape worms with morbid hunger. Wakes at night.

Abrotanum: Destroys worms especially ascaris (Round Worm).

Specific for hook worm disease.

Kousso: An excellent remedy to expel tape-worm.

Filix Mas: An efficient remedy for expulsion of tapeworm especially with constipation.

Santonine: This may be tried when Cina fails. Cina and Santonine will cure most of the cases. It should be given in 2X trituration at 2 hours’ interval six doses a day for a few days.

Caladium: Is useful when worms travel over the perineum and get into the vagina in little girls with tendency to excite masturbation.

Teucrium: For ascariasis or pin worms when there is much irritation in the rectum. Give in mother tincture or IX.

Sinapis Nigra: This is another remedy for pin worms. It may be tried when Teucrium fails.

Spigelia: Strabismus, jerking with paleness of the face, blue rings around the eyes, faint nauseated with colic about the navel caused by worms. The tincture on a handkerchief will frequently arrest convulsions from worms.

Stannum: The administration of this remedy stupefies worms which are easily dislodged by purgatives. It has pale sunken face and eyes surrounded by blue rings. Sluggish disposition, general torpor, fetid breath and passive fever. Patient prefers to lie on stomach.

Calcarea Carb: An excellent remedy for scrofulous children, fat, pale, lymphatic, head hot and perspiring at night.

Cuprum Oxydatum Nigrum: Is said to be excellent remedy for all kind of warms. Should be given in small doses. IX, in alternation with Nux Vom. 30 four or five times a day for four to six weeks.

Natrum Phos: Intestinal, long, round or thread worms, with picking at nose and tendency to rheumatism.

Terebinth: Burning and crawling in anus as if worms are creeping out. It discharges round and tape worms.

Tellurium: It causes expulsion of thread worms.

Sulphur: Is head remedy for tape worms (tenia). It should be given for considerably long time.

Scirrhinum: It helps in the passage of worms when Cina and Teucrium fail.