URINE SMELL - Homeopathic Guide


Thursday 19 October 2017


Sepia: offensive and sour urine; cannot be tolerated in room.

Nitric Acid: Urine smells like that of horse. Strong smelling. Worse by warmth.

Lachesis: Ammoniacal in gastric and nervous fever.

Coca: Ammoniacal smell in checked gonorrhoea.

Absinthium: Strong smell in urine like horse's. Orange colour. Constant desire to urinate.

Moschus: Ammoniacal smell without any other symptoms Being present.

Cajuputam: Urine smells like cat's urine. Flatulent colic.

Baptisia: Smell of rotten eggs in urine. Fetid smell in typhoid fever.

Benzoic Acid: Highly concentrated urine with smell like that of horse's urine. Offensive. Putrid. Very dark.

Baryta Mur: Offensive urine in glandular swelling.

Borax: Hot urine with pungent smell.

Osmium: Urine smelling like violets.

Indigo: Horribly offensive after standing for a short time. Ferrum Iod. Sweet-smelling urine.