URINE SEDIMENTS - Homeopathic Guide


Thursday 19 October 2017


Sepia: Brick dust; in meningitis, red powdery, yellowish pasty deposits. White adhesive film.

Lycopodium: Red sand deposits in urine in renal colic or otherwise.

Tarentula H: Brick dust in paralysis agitans.

Mephites: Brick dust in asthma.

Causticum: Brick dust in bronchitis.

Aesculus Hip: Brick dust of dark brown colour.

Apis Mel: Brick dust like coffee grounds.

Sarsaparilla: White sand in urine.

Selenium: Whitish clay like sediments. Silvery white sediments.

Berberis Vul: Thick reddish or mahogany coloured dust with floating jelly-like flocks. Pain in the renal region which extends to ureters and bladder.

Natrum Mur: Thick muddy urine with sediments and nasty smell. Dirty looking complexion, emaciation and frontal headache.

Copaiva: Sediments abundant, in bronchial and vesical catarrh.

Phosphorus: Odoriferous urine, with red and brown sediments. Nervy type affected by storm and noises; easily startled; earthy complexion.

Cantharis: Soreness in the region of kidneys, cutting pain which extends to urethra and bladder. Urine scanty, dark coloured sediment looking like old mortar or red dish brick dust.

Aurum Met: Urine thick which is cloudy and very fetid with perspiration.

Ledum P: Red sand in urine with burning in the urethra after urinating.