URINE - MILKY (White) - Homeopathic Guide


Thursday 19 October 2017


Iodium: Milky urine or acrid turbid or yellowish green and corrosive.

Lilium Tigrinum: Urine milky in morning; clear and white; like boiling oil; strong swelling; phosphatic; copious; sediments white or red.

Acid Phos: As if stirred up with chalk; like chalk and water mixed or like buttermilk.

Phosphorus: Like curdled milk with brick dust sediments and variegated cuticle.

Colocynth: Like milk on cooling. In diabetes. Spongia. Greyish white.

Apis Mel: In acute hydrocephalus or meningitis infantum. After erysipelatous eruptions.

Aurum Met: Like butter milk.

Agaricus: Urine milky in the afternoon.