URINE - ALBUMINOGS - Homeopathic Guide


Thursday 19 October 2017


Apis Mel: Head remedy for albumin in urine. During pregnancy. In scarlatina, during desquamation.

Eupatorium Perf: Albumin in urine with dropsy.

Helleborus: Urine scanty with albumin and dropsical swelling of the whole body.

Glonoine: Tubal nephritis with headache, brought on by walking in the sun; numbness in arms and hands alternating with; intense tingling. Increased secretion of albuminous urine: has to rise frequently during the night.

Kali Chlor: Nephritis. Haematuria; urine containing albumin, casts. Frequent micturition.

Chimaphila Umbellata: Albuminuria, haematuria, from long lasting gonorrhoea. Urine scanty, dark fetid, thick with copious sediment-mucus.

Ferrum Iod: Albuminuria with oedema in drinkers. Urine with milky sediments and sweet smelling.

Merc. Sol: Albuminuria with scanty urine and thirstlessness; liking for cold drinks but susceptible to it. Swollen face looks like a balloon.

Enonyminum: Dissolve two grains of IX trituration in half a tumbler of water and give a spoonful every hour. It cures dropsy with albumin in urine.

Colchicum: Albumin in urine which becomes black like ink.

Acid Phos: Albumin in urine during or after typhoid.

Terebinth: After scarlatina. Urine contains blood, albumin, but few casts, if any. Urine with violet odour, dark, cloudy and smoky.

Medorrhinum: Albuminous urine with hyaline casts when the patient is waxy, oedema of feet and ankles and tenderness of soles.

Mercurius Cor: Albuminuria in early pregnancy.

Phosphorus: Late and at full term of pregnancy.

Lac. Defl: For advanced albuminuria following intermittent fever.