URINATION (DESIRE) - Homeopathic Guide


Friday 20 October 2017


Lilium Tig: Constant desire with scanty urination. If not attended to it gives a feeling of congestion in the chest.

Equisetum: Constant urination, pain in bladder as if too full, not relieved by urination. The urine is scanty, contains much mucus. It is a wonderful remedy in cystic irritation old men, characterised by a constant teasing desire to urinate with little or no relief thereafter. Excellent remedy for chronic cystitis. Great desire to urinate, but only a small quantity is passed.

Sulphur: Irresistible desire to urinate on seeing running water. Give IM potency.

Petroselinum: Urgent desire to urinate. It may escape if not attended too quickly.

Argentum Met: Urgent desire to stool and to urinate. 

Conium: Constant desire to urinate in uterine neuralgia. 

Natrum Mur: Great desire to urinate with scanty discharge.

Thuja: Frequent and urgent desire to urinate, stream feeble, sensation as if a drop remained in urethra after urinating. Also vertigo with the above symptoms.

Lyssin: Desire to pass urine on seeing running water. 

Cantharis: This should be tried if Lyssin fails.

Absinthium: Constant desire to urinate, urine deep orange; of a strong smell like horse's urine.

Staphisagria: Constant urging to urinate in young married women.

Eryng Aq: Constant desire to pass urine about every half hour day and night. There is burning during and after passing urine.