URINATION (BURNING) - Homeopathic Guide


Friday 20 October 2017


Cantharis: Burning in urine which is only passed drop by drop, with erections. Burning after urination.

Staphisagria: Burning in urethra when not urinating. Burning stops while urinating.

Natrum Carb: Burning after urination.

Merc. Sol: Burning on beginning to urinate with urination every one hour day and night.

Belladonna: Great irritation in the bladder with constant urge to urinate; burning along the whole length of urethra; sensitive to jar.

Sulphur: Burning in urine with involuntary discharge of urine. 

Terebinth: Burning with suppression of urine. Burning during urination. Urine scanty and bloody.

Pulsatilla: Burning before urination.

Clematis: When last drop causes violent irritation and burning.