TOOTHACHE - Homeopathic Guide


Monday 9 October 2017


Staphisagria: Painful throbbing, gnawing or drawing sensation in teeth and gums; stupefying or boring headache; teeth loose; black, decayed and brittle.

Spigelia: Tearing and sticking pain with painful jerks, worse by cold; most violent on retiring to rest, reclining the head on the pillow and diminishing in severity on raising the head.

Sepia: Is head remedy for toothache during pregnancy.

Chamomilla: When pain proceeds from single carious tooth.

Pulsatilla: When one side of the jaw is affected or the pain shifts about.

Coffea: When the pain is severe and is relieved by keeping cold water in the mouth.

Nux Vom: When the pain proceeds from the decayed tooth to the facial bones and gets worse by wine, coffee and mental work. Pain sticking, drawing, tearing, digging or jerking.

Belladonna: When accompanied with headache. Tearing, drawing and throbbing pain.