SYPHILIS - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 17 October 2017


Merc. Sol: It is the head remedy for all stages of non congenital and acquired syphilis. It should be given in low potencies in acute cases and in very high potencies in chronic cases. Chancres are red which spread inward with yellowish fetid discharge. They have tendency to bleed. Syphilitic ulceration on tongue, larynx or lungs; syphilitic rheumatism.

Aurum Met: Is useful in secondary syphilis where there has been abuse of mercury. Boring pain in the mastoids. Affection of the nasal bones due to syphilis. Tumours in the brain with excruciating headaches. Caries of the palate and other flat bones with moderate ozena.

Cinnabaris: Is useful in syphilis complicated with gonorrhoea. The chancres are hard and elevated. Discharge of pus through the urinary passages.

Merc. Dulc: Is useful in syphilis of the females where there are many condylomatous growths in and around the external genitals.

Nitric Acid: Is useful for syphilitic ulcers which spread more in circumference than in depth, with stinging pain as if many splinters are hurting him all the time. There is a tendency for bleeding, exuberant granulation, irregular edges, condylomatous and cauliflower like growths. Nightly sufferings of syphilitic child when medicines given for other causes fail. Infantile, labial ulcers; fig warts about the anus; copper colour eruptions over the chest.

Merc. Cor: Chancres with extensive ulceration in mouth, gums and throat. Fetid breath, profuse salivation, enlarged tonsils, etc. Syphilitic ulceration on tongue, larynx or lungs.

Calotropis: In secondary syphilis with thickening of the ends of nails. To be given in mother tincture in 5 drop doses.

Stillingia Syl: Secondary syphilis with bone pains, rheumatism, nodes on the forehead, tibia, syphilitic cough etc. Mygale. Increased flow of urine with heat, scalding and stinging in urethra.

Kali Iod: Deep ulceration gummata and oedema in larynx, lungs or on tongue due to syphilis. Syphilitic rheumatism, especially of fingers and toes. Gradual enlargement of phalanges with or without pain. Excoriating coryza, blistering the nostrils and lips; throbbing and burning in nasal and frontal bones; gnawing; boring bone pains; papular eruption on the scalp and back.

Fluoric Acid: Syphilitic ulcerations of the mouth; throat and nose when the discharges are thick acrid. The patient is fretful and peevish. Caries and necrosis, especially of the nasal bones and tibia.

Kreosote: Acute coryza of syphilis affecting the teeth, causing them to blacken and decay early. Mouth and throat sore and the corners of the mouth are ulcerated and cracked.

Kali Bich: Syphilitic coryza affecting mucus membranes of the mouth, nose and throat. Perforating ulcers in the mouth or nose. Offensive and destructive ozena with thick yellow nasal discharge.

Thuja: In tubercular syphilides. Nodulations on the skin, Condylomata, ulcers, syphilitic rhagades, exuding a moisture that excoriates and itches.

Badiaga: Syphilitic infants with hard glandular swellings. Syphilinum. A nosode which should be given in high potency at the commencement of the treatment or as an inter-current remedy when the best selected remedies fail.

Lachesis: It cures syphilitic ozena and aphonia after the abuse of mercury.