STERILITY (Barrenness) - Homeopathic Guide


Monday 9 October 2017

STERILITY (Barrenness)

Sepia: Itis the head remedy for sterility. There is irregularity of menses with leucorrhoea and constipation.

Baryta Carb: Sterility due to dwindling of ovaries and mammary glands, yet the lymphatics become enlarged and infiltrated.

Aurum Mur. Nat: Specific for sterility. It may be given in 3X trituration. It cures ulceration, induration, chronic metritis, ulcers of the os, swelling of the ovary. Also covers habitual abortion and prolapsus of the uterus.

Phosphorus: With late and profuse menses; excessive voluptuousness.

Kali Br: From atrophy of ovaries.

Aurum Met: Sterility due to depression of mind.

Nat. Carb: Discharge of mucus after an embrace in the women and sterility as a result thereof.

Pituitrin: It regulates action of corpus luteum in sterile women and favours conception in many cases.

Agnus Castus: When there is absence of sexual desire and or menses. Leucorrhoea staining yellow.

Aleteris F: When sterility is due to weakness of the uterus. This remedy tones up the uterus.

Platina: Sterility in women with excessive sexual desire. It has cured sterility of 12 years standing.

Thuja: Sterility with leucorrhoea. Anaemia may also be present. Hair on the face and legs of women with offensive perspiration about the genitals.

Caulophyllum: Sterility after leucorrhoea in a woman married ten years ago was cured with this remedy.