SEMINAL EMISSIONS (Spermatorrhoea and pollutions) - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 17 October 2017

SEMINAL EMISSIONS (Spermatorrhoea and pollutions)

Acid Phos: Seminal emissions followed by great weakness, legs become weak with burning in spine; genitals relaxed and testes flabby; the penis has no power of erections; erections imperfect, semen escapes too soon during coition. Sudden relaxation of penis preventing emissions. Emissions with or without orgasm.

Selenium: It is the head remedy for seminal emissions. It cures about 95 per cent of cases. Emissions are too rapid with long lasting thrill.

Kali Brom:
These two remedies are indicated in abnormally frequent emissions. Digitalis is indicated when there is palpitation of heart with seminal emissions.

Picric Acid: Emissions with terrible erections and great desire. 

Silicea: Loss of semen at stool when the stool is large and difficult to pass.

Causticum: When the emission is bloody.

Sulphur: Emission before the erection is complete. 

Graphites: Absence of emission.

Calcarea Carb: Emission tardy, with burning and stinging pains. Night sweats follow after every coitus or emission which is followed by weakness of mind and body. Emission too late.

Sepia: Emissions with insufficient erections.

Carbo Veg: Emissions too soon and then roaring in the head.

Lyssin: Emission too late or absent.

Formica: Emission scanty with incomplete erections.

Conium: Slightest emotion brings on emission. Easily excited in the presence of females when the semen is discharged.

China: For weakness due to emissions.

Gelsemium: Involuntary seminal emissions at night without dreams. Emission from slight excitement or exertion.

Nux Vomica: When the patient has headache with frequent involuntary. emissions at night without orgasm, especially towards morning, backache.

Digitalis: Emission occurs during deep sleep without waking him.

Stann: Emissions with excessive prostration. Orgasm is easily produced-even by scratching arm.

Persica: Ejaculation of semen during stool without erection, followed by empty feeling in hypogastrium and pain in genitals.

Acetic Acid: Weakening emissions: semen passes at stool.

Aconite Cam: Pollutions without voluptuous dreams.

Kali Brom: Frequent seminal emissions, with depressed spirits, dull thought, backache, staggering gait and great weakness. It may be with or without orgasm.

Zincum Met: Extensive abuse of genital organ with depression and despondency. Pale sunken face blue rings about the eyes.

Cantharis: Emission with violent erection.

Caladium: Seminal emissions due to bad effects of sexual excesses when wet dreams occur without lasciviousness or any sexual excitement whatsoever. Nocturnal emissions occurring either without dreams or with non-sexual dreams. Also for masturbation and its effects. Penis glands get flabby.

Agnus Castus: Spermatorrhoea in old sinners. The parts are cold and relaxed, sexual appetite absent and the patient is melancholic.

Lycopodium: Emissions in complete impotency when the erections are either absent or imperfect, the genitals are cold and shrivelled.

Titanium: Too early ejaculation in coitus, sexual weakness. 

Staphisagria: Emission due to great emaciation caused by masturbation with dark rings about the eyes, sallow face, well marked peevishness and shyness.

Dioscorea: Seminal emissions atonic. The organ is so relaxed that two or three emissions occur in one night with dreams followed by weakness particularly about the knees.

Osmium: Larger emissions and continue longer.

Ustilago: Spermatorrhoea with erotic fantasies and amorous dreams.

Tarentula H: Bloody semen with burning and heat.

Eryngium Aq: Head remedy for emission of semen with or without erections; give in 2X potency.

Ferrum Brom: Spermatorrhoea. with anaemia.