SCANTY - Homeopathic Guide


Thursday 12 October 2017


Cyclamen: Scanty with vertigo and headache. Terrible abdominal pain starting from sacrum extending along both sides of abdomen to pelvis. Irregular menses appearing after several months. Patient morose, dejected, unable to undertake any work, lassitude.

Pulsatilla: Delayed and scanty menses with all the symptoms as in Cyclamen except that the Pulsatilla patient is always better in open air.

Sulphur: Delayed menses with constipation and tendency to skin eruptions, flushing. All gone sensation at the pit of the stomach in the forenoon.

Alumina: Menses scanty after which the woman is completely exhausted in body and mind. Between the periods leucorrhoea which is profuse, acrid and corroding, running down to heels.

Graphites: Occasional flow of the menses which are too pale and of too short a duration. Abdominal pains, uterine cramps, rheumatic pain in limbs. Oedema of hands and feet. Scanty menses accompanied with other complaints such as headache, skin affection.

Manganum: Menses scanty and too frequent in anaemic girls. 

Natrum Mur: Scanty with constipation in patients with earthy complexion.

Actea Racemosa: Menses scanty, dark and coagulated. Great general debility. Scanty flow between the periods.

Gunpowder: Excellent remedy for scanty and painful menses. Flow stops and then starts after 12 hours. Give 3X.