PROFUSE (Menorrhagia or metrorrhagia) - Homeopathic Guide


Thursday 12 October 2017

PROFUSE (Menorrhagia or metrorrhagia)

China: Head remedy for excessive bleeding and of long duration. It should be tried first, especially when the patient is debilitated, weak.

Rhus Aromatica: Haemorrhage due to atonic condition of the uterus. Give drop doses of mother tincture.

Thlaspi Bursa Q: Haemorrhage starts slowly and then becomes abundant to the extent that the patient becomes extremely weak. She hardly regains strength thereafter when the second month's flow starts. Give drop doses in mother tincture.

Mitchella: Bleeding with frequent urination which is not very free and satisfactory. Blood bright red associated with painful urination.

Belladonna: Premature and profuse menses with sensation as if everything will fall down through the vagina. Foul smelling coagulated blood. Throbbing headache and red and puffed face.

Stramonium: Profuse discharge of black blood, coagulated blood, drawing pains in the abdomen, thighs and limbs. Talkative.

Ignatia: Menses every fortnight of long duration with cramps and hardness of abdomen. Hysteria. Nausea with fainting. Intolerance of light. Vision blurred.

Arnica M: When profuse bleeding is caused by a strain, a false step or other mechanical injury.

Chamomilla: Profuse menses with drawing, cramp like colic from the sides of the abdomen.

Ratanhia: Haemorrhage from the uterus with pain in abdomen and loins, bearing down towards genital organs, followed by leucorrhoea.

Silicea: Blood from vagina every time the child takes breast.

Lachesis: Excessive flow with dark clots and excruciating pains which are better as flow starts and clots pass away. Worse during heat and warm weather, better in cold. Profuse perspiration with unpleasant odour. Breasts undeveloped or not sufficiently developed.

Viscum Album: Metrorrhagia (profuse bleeding) following cold foot bath.

Epihysterinum: Profuse bleeding due to fibrous tumour.

Aletris Farinosa: Menses profuse and premature due to atonic condition of uterus, labour-like pains of amenorrhoea (absence of menses), debility from loss of fluids, sterility. Habitual tendency to abortion. Prolapsus. Constipation. Disgust for food, nausea and indigestion. Uterine haemorrhages, may it be after an abortion or in connection with menstruation; large clots followed by copious haemorrhage.

Ambra Grisea: Bleeding between periods on slightest strain in nervous women. Too early and too profuse, appearing 7 days before time and then comes the horrible itching, soreness and swelling of genitals.

Ficus Rel: Profuse bleeding from any part of the body including uterus without any apparent cause.

Kreosote: Bleeding from uterus brought on by lifting, over exertion and always followed by coitus. No pain during coitus. Menses regular but profuse and clotted; at times it is black, very fetid, produces rawness. on the genitals and thighs, stops and then starts again; starts too soon and lasts too long. Constant dull aching pain in back. Terrible left side headache a day after the flow. Milky leucorrhoea. Menses only when lying down, cease on sitting or walking.

Sabina: Bleeding with bearing down sensation. At times flow does not stop before the next period begins. Gout and haemorrhage alternately, i.e. haemorrhage starts when gout stops and vice versa.

Carbo Animalis: Menses too early, too long and copious. Prostration with every menstrual flow. Burning in vagina as if burning coals are put on it. Sensation of emptiness whenever she puts child to the breast.

Carbo Veg: Bleeding due to non-contraction of uterus for want of tonicity. It may be after confinement, menstruation or incidental haemorrhage.

Phosphorus: Haemorrhage with uncontrollable thirst for cold water. Head hot.

Ammonia Carb: Menses too soon, blood blackish, often in clots. Leucorrhoea is acrid. Swelling of genitals. Griping and colic before menses. At every menstrual period bleeding from the rectum.

Ammonia M: Menses accompanied by haemorrhage from the bowels and rectum, especially in pale, sickly, feeble women. Menses too soon each month with pain in the back, Flow of blood at night.

Secale Cor: Profuse bleeding of black colour with icy cold extremities in lean and slender women who always suffer from heat. The patient wants to uncover and to be cool. Blood is thin and fetid. There may be clots in the blood.

Ustilago: Bleeding due to retroflexion of the uterus, the blood is bright red, partly fluid and partly clotted. The uterus feels soft and spongy to the examining finger.

Trillium: Flow bright red and profuse with faint feeling at epigastrium, pain in back, coldness of extremities. Prostration with rapid, feeble pulse. Haemorrhage due to uterine fibroids. It will stop haemorrhage and absorb growths.

Aconite N: When with the gushing bright red blood, there is overwhelming fear of death.

Ferrum Met: Menses too early, too profuse and lasting too long, causing debility to the patient.

Ipec: Bleeding with prostration, bright red blood gushes in a stream running through clothes, bed and collecting in a pool on the floor. The blood does not coagulate easily. She is pale, nauseated and fainting. Give in 200 or IM potency every fifteen minutes till improvement commences and then stop the medicine.

Platinum: Menses about 4 or 6 days too early and very profuse.

Calcarea Carb: Uterine haemorrhage with large clots mixed with bright red liquid flow which is copious. Mental shock brings on the flow. Feet cold, damp. It is indispensable when the menses appear a few days before period especially when the flow is considerable.

Vinca Minor: Profuse menstruation or passive menorrhagia when blood flows in one continuous stream associated with great debility.

Cocculas Ind: Menses too early and last too long in women prostrated from grief and anxiety.

Fraxinus Americana: Extremely painful menses; delayed but profuse. Coming on at intervals of five to twelve weeks.