PHIMOSIS - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 17 October 2017


Mercurius Iod: An excellent remedy for phimosis.

Sulphur: In children with discharge of fetid pus.

Hepar Sulph: Discharge of pus, throbbing pain.

Cinnabaris: Discharge of pus-like, fetid pus (secondary syphilis). Prepuce swollen.

Nitric Acid: Prepuce thickened, fissured, can't get retracted and itches fearfully.

Acetic Acid: Prepuce thickened, fissured, can't be retracted & itches fearfully.

Mercurius: Caused by syphilis.

Jacaranda: Phimosis with prepuce painful and swollen.

Aconite N:
Apis M:
Acute inflammatory phimosis. Use in the given order.