ORCHITIS (Inflammation of testicles and Hydrocele) (See also "TUBERCULOSIS" under "TESTICLES") - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 17 October 2017

ORCHITIS (Inflammation of testicles and Hydrocele) (See also "TUBERCULOSIS" under "TESTICLES")

Bryonia: When born with hydrocele.

Abrotanum: Hydrocele in children when Rhododendron fails.

Aurum Sulph: Hydrocele in children; induration of testes, inflammation of glands, penis; chancres of penis; swelling of testes, especially of right side.

Mercurius: This remedy should be given in badly managed cases of gonorrhoea when gonorrhoea is suppressed, but before suppression the patient had thick, purulent, green discharge. Orchitis of right side with severe pain extending into abdomen and lower extremities, scrotum red and shining.

Pulsatilla: Should be tried if Mercuri us fails. Burning and aching of testicles with or without swelling. Contraction of urethra with discharge of dark-coloured blood with tendency to inflammation of eyes. Rheumatism, pains wander quickly from one part to another. Swelling of testicles right or left, chilliness, loss of appetite and thirst. Yellowish-green discharge reappears after the use of this remedy. Head remedy for hydrocele.

Aurum Met: Fleshy swelling of the testicles. Sarcocele. Chronic variety.

Iodium: Testicles indurated, hard and swollen. Offensive sweat of genitals.

Graphites: Dropsical swelling of testes.

Apis Mel: Painful swelling of testes and prostate.

Thuja: Recurrent attacks of orchitis due to gonorrhoea and fig warts or condylomata.

Clematis: This is another remedy for orchitis due to suppression of gonorrhoea. It is to be tried after Pulsatilla fails. In both the remedies the pain is worse by hot application.

Arnica Mont: When orchitis is due to injury and is accompanied by soreness.

Conium: Testicles enlarged and very hard, especially as a result of injuries.

Rhododendron: Orchitis with a feeling as though the testicles were being crushed. Drawing pain in testes extending to thighs and abdomen especially right side. Sensitive to touch, soreness. Hydrosarcocele. Worse in wet weather and better from motion.

Spongia: Orchitis due to suppressed gonorrhoea, gradually increasing in hardness.

Oleum Animate: Neuralgia of testicles and spermatic cord.

Oxalic Acid: Neuralgia of spermatic cord.