NIPPLES - Homeopathic Guide


Thursday 12 October 2017


Phytolacca: Nipples sore and tendency to mammary abscess. Retraction of nipples. Intense pain on putting child to breast. Nipples cracked. Nipples sensitive, sore and fissured, intensely worse by nursing.

Sarsaparilla: Nipples contracted with painful menses, diarrhoea, vomiting and fainting fits. Nipples small, withered and unexcitable.

Castor Equi: Sore nipples, cracked and ragged, exceedingly sensitive, cannot bear touch.

Hydrastis: Abrasion of nipples in nursing women. Retracted nipples.

Graphites: Corrosive blisters or ulcers which ooze sticky fluid which forms crusts that are removed when nursing but form again. Nipples cracked from nursing.

Causticum: Eruptions surrounded with herpes.

Carbo An: Tumour on nipples, hard, large as hen's egg.

Croton Tig: Pain from nipple to back whilst nursing the child. Painful drawing in the nipple as with a string.

Silicea: Pain all over the body and in nipples when nursing. 

Phellandrium: Intolerable pain between nursing.

Borax: Pain in opposite breast when nursing. 

Ratanhia: Nipples cracked and fissured from nursing.