MILK - Homeopathic Guide


Thursday 12 October 2017


Calcarea Carb: For increasing milk supply.

Lac Vac. Defl: For reducing milk supply. 

Chionanthus: For stopping milk supply. 

Sabal Serr: For producing milk supply.

Lactusa Virosa: For increasing milk supply.

Ricinus: To produce milk supply in nursing women and even in virgins.

Sticta P: Scanty milk, it increases the quantity even in cases where milk is suppressed. Always annoyed on account of scantiness of milk.

Borax: Milk too thick and tastes badly. This prevents mother from nursing child. (This medicine should be given during pregnancy so that the milk becomes suitable and tasty to the child after birth). Child does not want to take breasts due to bad taste of the milk.

Urtica Ur: For diminished secretion of milk with swelling of breasts. Also dries up milk in women who are weaning.

Pulsatilla: For dispersing milk supply in mothers who have stopped suckling their children. It should be given immediately on stopping suckling. If this does not relieve pain or inconvenience, Calcarea Carb, may be tried. It is also useful for suppression of milk with the breasts swollen and painful as a result thereof.

Asafoetida: For increasing and improving quantity of milk supply. Mammae tugged with milk even without pregnancy.

Lecithin: Excellent galactagog, renders milk more nourishing and increases quantity.

Mercurius: Milk in breasts instead of menstrual flow. Even in boys when there is milk in breasts, it will be useful. Milk in the breasts of unmarried girls.

Calcarea Phos: Child refuses breast because the milk tastes salty.

Phytolacca: Inflammation of breasts when the milk becomes stringy and hangs down from the nipple, coagulated milk; milk scanty, thick, unhealthy and dries up soon. A bloody watery discharge which may continue for years after weaning the infant, is cured by this remedy.

Bufo: When milk is bloody.

Aurum Sulph: Suppression or disappearance of milk with swelling of mammae.

Lac Can: For drying up milk which is too profuse.

Secale Cor: Suppression or non-appearance of milk after delivery.

Agnus Castus: Deficiency of milk with despair of recovery. When milk fails to appear after confinement with this mental state.

Chamomilla: When suppression of milk results from a fit of anger.

Alfalfa: Increases quality and quantity of milk in nursing women. Give in 5-10 drop doses in mother tincture four times daily.