LEUCORRHOEA - Homeopathic Guide


Friday 13 October 2017


Sepia: Thin leucorrhoea with constipation. Acrid, corrosive, yellowish, watery, or reddish-green leucorrhoea. Heat, itching of the vulva. Leucorrhoea before menses with soreness in pudendum. Leucorrhoea in little girls.

Mercurius: Leucorrhoea acrid, burning, itching with rawness, always worse at night, pruritus, worse from contact of urine, which must be washed off.

Borax: Leucorrhoea like curds, white of an egg with sensation as if warm water were flowing down; acrid leucorrhoea.

Calcarea Carb: Thin milky leucorrhoea.

Cubeba: Profuse, yellow, greenish, acrid and offensive leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea in little girls.

Hydrastis: Tenacious, viscid, either uterine or vaginal long thread-like and causing a sort of itching.

Ars. Iod: When the discharges are irritating and corrosive. They burn immensely.

Nitric Acid: Corrosive with scaly eruptions on labia, burn ng and tearing pain in the ovarian region.

Berberis Vul: Leucorrhoea with painful urinary symptoms. 

Millefolium: Leucorrhoea of children.

Pulsatilla: Watery, acrid and burning leucorrhoea; mi1ky leucorrhoea, thick and white.

Lycopodium: Coming on by fits and starts, milky or nervous (at full moon). Is preceded by cutting colic at the pit of the stomach (hypogastrium).

Phosphorus: Leucorrhoea instead of menses. Leucorrhoea like the white of an egg before menses. Weeping mood and frequent desire to urinate. Swelling of gum.

Natrum Carb: Thick yellow putrid leucorrhoea.

Stannum Met: Green, thick, yellow, copious leucorrhoea after obliteration of neuralgias.

Graphites: Leucorrhoea instead of menses. Extreme lassitude during menses. Violent itching of the. vulva before menses.

Carbo Veg: The patient feels better when the discharge is on and as soon as it disappears, other troubles appear.

Medorrhinum: It should be given when well selected remedies fail. Give in IM dilution one dose every fortnight.

Kreosote: When the discharge is acrid, bloody. Whitish leucorrhoea which stains the linen grey. Pain in small of back. Weakness of legs.

Alumina: When the discharge is so profuse that if flows down the heels. It is also acrid, stingy, copious, excoriating, thick and yellow. Itching of the vu1va.

Ova Testa: Itis almost specific for leucorrhoea. It should be given in 3X trituration.

Cannabis Sat:
Leucorrhoea in little girls. 

Cocculus I: Leucorrhoea in little girls. Leucorrhoea instead of menses.

Iodine: Leucorrhoea with swelling and induration of cervix and rendering the thighs sore as the discharge is acrid. Chronic leucorrhoea which is thick, slimy and sometimes bloody.

Natrum Phos: Leucorrhoea after menses; acrid, copious, creamy, honey coloured, sour smelling, yellow and watery; increased sexual desire.

Aloe: Leucorrhoea of bloody mucus preceded by colic.

Thlaspi: Bloody, offensive leucorrhoea with profuse, prolonged bleeding at menses.

Onosmodium: Leucorrhoea light-yellowish, offensive, excoriating and profuse, running down the legs.

Aesculus Hip: Leucorrhoea, dark yellow, thick and sticky when accompanied with lameness in lower back which gives out when walking.

Thuja: Discharge between or instead of periods when there is a history of vaccination not having taken or when vaccination has been done several times.

Sanicula: Leucorrhoea with strong odour of fish brine.

China: Leucorrhoea before the periods, fetid or bloody leucorrhoea. Painful pressure towards groins and anus.

Murex: Leucorrhoea; the spirits are better when the leucorrhoea is worse and vice versa.

Carbo Ani: Leucorrhoea stains linen yellow.

Syphilinum: Leucorrhoea profuse, soaking through napkins and running to heels.

Alumen: Leucorrhoea copious with induration and ulcers of uterus and even cancer. Patient is of yellow complexion.