INFLAMMATION (PENIS) - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 17 October 2017


Mercurius: Head remedy. Prepuce swollen as if distended with water along with glands. Fine red eruption, cracks and chaps with burning, biting, itching and pain.

Calcarea Carb: Inflammation with yellow pus. The parts are white and not red. Cutting and burning in glands. Prepuce red and inflamed.

Corallium: Sore, as if pricked by needles.

Hepar Sul: To stop or promote suppuration, it is an excellent remedy.

Nitric Acid: Inflammation of inner surface and its margins with suppurating ulcers which are flat. Stinging and tearing pains, worse towards evening and continue the whole night disturbing sleep.

Aconite N: Crawling and stinging pains in the prepuce and glands; prepuce swollen and inflamed, pinching pain in the glands on urinating.

Apis M: Inflammation and great oedema of penis with sharp stinging and burning pains.

Arnica M: Inflammatory condition from mechanical injury. Erections after walking.

Croton Tig: Inflammation of the inner surface of the prepuce with burning in the glands on urinating. Corrosive itching at the scrotum and' glands.

Conium: Inflammation of the prepuce with stinging and cutting pains. Tearing pain through the penis when urinating.

Rhus Tox: Redness and swelling of the glands, penis and prepuce with burning and biting in urethra after urinating.

Cinnabaris: Swelling of prepuce with much itching. Warts on the prepuce and fraenum which bleed when touched.