INFLAMMATION OF UTERUS/OVARIES (Metritis, Ovaritis) - Homeopathic Guide


Friday 13 October 2017


Nux Vom: Suitable in most cases of acute metritis with or without peritonitis when the fever is not high or when the fever has abated. Pain in the hypogastrium, small of back, swelling of the uterine orifice. Heaviness and burning in the abdomen.

Sepia: In acute metritis. Painful rigidity of the uterus. Choking pressure downwards as if everything will pass through the vagina. Falling of uterus.

Graphites: In chronic metritis with or without ovaritis but with skin affections.

Platina: In acute metritis and ovaritis after confinement with increased sexual desire and itching of the womb.

Conium: In chronic metritis with or without ovaritis or peritonitis. Abdomen distended. Clutching and squeezing in the womb. Painful pressure downwards. Bloody or milky leucorrhoea. Vomiting. Hiccups.

Bryonia: Abdomen bloated and sensitive with lancinating pains. Constipation. Fever with thirst for cold water.

Chamomilla: In acute metritis caused by severe disappointment, fit of anger, during menses or after confinement. Abdomen distended and sensitive.

Colocynthis: When Chamomilla fails in cases of suppressed menses or lochia.

Kreosote: In chronic metritis. With stitches through the vagina and uterus like electric shocks-leucorrhoea stains the linen grey.

Belladonna: Inflammation after anger especially after parturition. Painful pressure on the genitals. Digging pain with redness of the face.

China: After loss of blood or after excessive coitus. 

Arsenic Alb: During child birth.

Rhus Tox: After delivery with typhoid symptoms.

Pulsatilla: After getting feet wet, or from suppression of menses, with deficiency of milk, chilliness and thirstlessness. Pulling tension and contraction in hypogastrium.

Apis: Inflammation of ovaries in childhood.

Aconite: Inflammation of ovaries after suppression of menses or due to fear. At the commencement of the treatment. 

Lachesis: Pain in the morning or after sleep.