
Friday 20 October 2017


Arnica: Suppression of urine after injuries or exertion. 

Aconite N: Retention of urine in cold weather especially in children who are restless and cry on account of pain.

Opium: In children when the retention of urine is due to fright or passion of the nurse. Bladder full. From constriction of sphincter or paralysis of fundus.

Cantharis: Urination painful in suppressed gonorrhoea. It is passed drop by drop with burning.

Apis Mel: Suppression of urine after exposure or after fever. The patient is drowsy, tending to coma with marked oedema. Retention of urine in nursing babies. Give in IX or IM dilution.

Hyoscyamus: Retention of urine. Bladder distended. Difficult urination, must strain from pressure.

Terebinth: Strangury. Tenesmus of the bladder. Scanty, bright coloured or bloody urine. Burning and cutting pain in the bladder. Gonorrhoea pyelitis.

Laurocerasus: Suppression of urine on account of paresis, stream feeble; involuntary urination.

Ars. Alb: Is indicated for same symptoms as in Apis. M. but the Arsenic patient is extremely restless. He is not drowsy and comatose.

Petroselinum: Stopping of urine in children after jumping up and down, with pain and screaming. Child unable to pass urine.

Cannabis Ind: Burning, scalding before, during and after urination. Dribbling, urging and straining but cannot pass a drop.

Ruta: Incontinence of urine at night or frequent urination during the day and if she cannot attend, it seems to paralyse the bladder with inability to void any when the opportunity presents itself.

Plumbum M: Retention of urine for two days cured in a lady who was also unconscious. Catheter showed no urine in the bladder. The patient had mental symptoms several days before the disease, slowness of thought and conception.

Veratrum Alb: Retention of urine in cholera.

Hydr. Acid: In cerebro-spinal meningitis.

Helleborus: Suppression of urine developing uremia. Totally unconscious with dilated pupils, insensible to light, uremic convulsions, urinous odour from the body.