HAEMATURIA (Blood in urine) - Homeopathic Guide


Friday 20 October 2017

HAEMATURIA (Blood in urine)

Terebinth: Blood in urine. Head remedy. Coffee-ground like sediments. Burning and most painful strangury during micturition. Albumin in urine and has odour of violets.

Phosphorus: Haematuria, especially in Bright's disease. Pain in region of kidney and liver. Turbid urine with red sediments.

Chin. Sulph: Blood in urine without pain or uneasiness. 

Hamamelis: Blood in urine with dull renal pain.

Arnica M: Blood in urine from mechanical injuries. 

Thlaspi B: Dark blood and thick urine.

Ocimum Can: Bloody urine with red sediments.

Pulsatilla: Dark coloured bloody urine with suppressed gonorrhoea.

Natrum Phos: Urination frequent at night; during perspiration, involuntary during sleep at night. Must wait for urine to start.

Staphisagria: Frequent and painful urging to urinate which becomes extremely troublesome in recently married nervous women.

Alfalfa Q: Frequent and excessive urination with loss of weight and flesh. Loss of appetite; debility.