GONORRHOEA - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 17 October 2017


Aconite N:
These remedies should be given alternately every one hour during the early stages of the disease, viz., during the inflammatory stage. Give in IX potency. Pulsatilla in high dilution may be given in later stages when the patient has mild disposition; thirstlessness; painless micturition, profuse thick yellow discharge with orchitis; all these symptoms combined and not even one missing.
Cubeba: When the inflammatory stage is passed and there still remains burning in urethra at the time of passing urine. Discharge is thick, yellow and pus-like; dark reddish mucus. It may also be thick and gleety. For second or last stages of gonorrhoea.

Silicea: Is specific in chronic gonorrhoea. There is pus or pus like discharge from urethra, slightly shreddy discharge., bloody discharge which is purulent. Thick fetid pus from urethra. It can be tried with confidence in almost all cases of gonorrhoea. Give in 1,000 potency.

Copaiva: Is useful in chronic gonorrhoea with biting and burning at the back of the bladder and in urethra before and after micturition. Discharge is milky. Urine smells like violets.

Thuja: In chronic gonorrhoea when the discharge is thin and green with scalding pain during urination.

Tussilago Pet: Gonorrhoea extremely violent with yellow and white thick discharge, crawling in urethra, jerking and drawing in spermatic cord and testicles.

Petroselinum: Intense itching in urethra. Wants to thrust something in the urethra to scratch.

Medorrhinum: A constitutional medicine for suppressed gonorrhoea. Urine: high coloured; strong smelling; covered with thick, greasy pellicles; intensely yellow; slow flow; cutting across root of penis.

Sepia: Gonorrhoea after acute stage has subsided. Useful for gleet and gonorrhoea warts. Condylomata completely surrounding head of penis. Incisive pains and shootings in urethra. Urine very offensive.

Cantharis: Suppression of gonorrhoea, when it affects bladder. Retention of urine; burning, smarting on making water. Painful swelling of testes. Inflammation of ovaries with corrosive leucorrhoea.

Cinnabaris: Gonorrhoea of long standing complicated with syphilis.

Capsicum: Discharge purulent, bloody, fetid. Protracted gleet. Coldness and shrivelling of genitalia. Impotence.

Alumen: Chronic, painless, yellow discharge with induration and ulceration along the urethra. Ulcerative patches in the vagina or on the cervix of the uterus.

Natrum Sulph: It should be given to patients of hydrogenoid constitution; chronic gonorrhoea with yellowish, greenish discharge. Inflammation of prepuce and scrotum. Itching of genitals, of glands and penis, obliging him to rub them, with burning after scratching. The remedy covers a wide range of symptoms; glandular swellings, hydremia; bericaemia; thrombosis; exanthema; excrescence; piercing pains in extremities; furuncles; blisters; raw palms; exuding serum; paronychtia; gumma; bad nail s. These symptoms may be due to syphilis or gonorrhoea.

Ars. Sul. FI: Gonorrhoea with terrible pains, discharge copious, yellow, constant; burning day and night along entire urethra with restlessness.
Sulphur: As an inter-current remedy for patients susceptible to catch cold and in maltreated cases where there is much irritation, soreness or burning of the parts.

Cannabis Sativa: Burning and smarting in urethra, from meatus to bladder, urethra swollen and sore. Stitching and burning pain when urinating, worse at the end of micturition. Almost constant desire to urinate. Urine whitish and turbid.

Millefolium: Swelling of the penis and testicles with discharge of blood and watery slime.

Acid Fluor: Gleety. Stricture. Gleet discharge during night leaving a yellowish stain on the linen. Frequent desire to urinate with burning in the urethra.

Argentum Nit: Gonorrhoea! and gleety discharges. Burning in urethra with frequent desire to urinate. Desire to pass few drops immediately after urinating.

Kreosote: Gonorrhoea and urethritis, especially in females. Discharge bloody and very offensive, acrid with itching and smarting of labia.

Camphor: Strangury not relieved by urination; violent, spasmodic and ineffectual efforts to urinate with bladder full of urine.

Mercurius: Strangury. Gonorrhoea. Urethritis. Urine passed with a feeble stream and with cutting pains. Lips of meatus red and inflamed. Inflammation of vulva which is swollen, red and hot. Discharge yellowish green, night sweats, bone pains; worse during perspiration.