GLANS (Head of the penis) (See also "PREPUCE-SWELLING") - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 17 October 2017

GLANS (Head of the penis) (See also "PREPUCE-SWELLING")

Ars. Alb: Cracking of glands. Burning of the glands during urination.

Mere. Cor: Inflammation of the glands with chronic greasy, fatty,offensive smelling discharge. Sensitiveness of glands.

Mercurius: Ulcerous erosions of the glands.

Nitric Acid: Moisture around glands.

Copaiva: Pain in glands after gonorrhoea.

Rhus Tox: Pain in glands caused by swelling of prepuce causing para-phimosis.

Sarsaparilla: Tearing pain in the glands.

Aurum Mur. Nat: Ulcers on the glands going deep.

Acid Phos: Warts on glands, obstinate vegetation.

Kali Mur: Warts on corona after chancre (syphilis).

Sulphur: Soft, cock comb like warts, spongy, easily bleeding. Icy coldness of the glands.

Thuja: Warts after gonorrhoea, small, pointed, discharge of viscid fluid.

Aurum Sulph: Condylomata of the glands, penis with or without impotency. Inflammation of glands, penis.