ERECTIONS (See also "COITION" and "DESIRE") - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 17 October 2017


Conium: Erection absent, partially or completely.

Dioscorea: Erection frequent, day and night.

Natrum Mur: Frequent erections with pollutions.

Platinum: Erections violent particularly at night.

Cantharis: Violent priapism (erections) which may be painful.

Camphor: Violent attacks of priapism during dreams. 

Phosphorus: Erections absent or feeble.

Cannabis. Ind: Erection mechanical and painful with increased sexual desire.

Acid Picric: Terrible erections disturbing sleep. Over excitement of sexual system associated with spinal or cerebral affections in either sex. Penis distended almost to bursting.

Osmium: Hard erections early in the morning after rising. 

Arnica M: Erections after walking.