ENLARGEMENT (PROSTATE) - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 17 October 2017


Suitable medicines for initial inflammatory stage.

Spongia: Suitable when there is small stream of urine which is frothy and swelling of testes and spermatic cord.

Baryta Carb: Enlargement of prostate gland in old age.

Arnica. Mont: In traumatic cases where the enlargement is due to injury. Sensation as if bruised and beaten, darting or tingling, with numbness.

Thuja: Acute inflammation as from gonorrhoea.

Ocimum Can: Haematuria (bloody urine) with prostatic affections or prostatic piles.

Conium: Enlargement of prostate gland. Head remedy.

Sabal Ser: Chronic or acute enlargement of prostate gland with difficulty in passing urine or burning whilst urinating. 

Cannabis Ind: Sensation in anal region as if sitting on a ball. 

Phosphorus: Chronic hypertrophy with prostatic discharge. 

Solidago: In Chronic enlargement. Give 2X dilution.

Staphisagria: Frequent urging to urinate with scanty discharge in a thin stream or by drops. Burning during and after urination with urging as if the bladder were not emptied.

Pareira: Enlargement of prostate with retention of urine. 

Iodium: Inflammation of prostate in scrofulous and tubercular persons.

Merc. Iod: In cases where suppuration of prostate has occurred.

Digitalis: Enlargement of prostate gland with heart trouble. Retention and/or dribbling of urine with enlarged prostate. Dropsy with suppression of urine. Spermatorrhoea. Nightly emissions.