
Friday 20 October 2017


Cantharis: Burning or scalding and painful emission of urine. It is passed drop by drop.

Copaiva: Constant effectual desire; constriction of urethra, emission in drops. Special medicine for women. Chronic cystitis.

Ignatia: Suppression of urine in hysterical cases.

Apis Mel: Burning and soreness when urinating; frequent desire. Passes only a few drops. Urine scanty and highly coloured.

Clematis: When flow is interrupted by sudden spasms of urethra. Flow by fits and starts, Mucus in urine but not pus. Beginning of inflammatory stricture.

Conium: Urine stops suddenly and does not begin to flow for some moments.

Camphor: In acute cases when due to poisoning or suppression from cold. Give in low potency.

Terebinth: Difficult urination with lumbago-like pain. 

Magnesia Mur: Urine can only be passed by pressing the abdominal muscles.

Sarsaparilla: Great pain after passing urine. Can pass urine only when standing. It only dribbles down when sitting. Give in IM potency every fortnight.

Cannabis Ind: Burning or scalding before, during and after urination. Urging and straining but cannot pass a drop.

Chimaphila Umbellata: Urine scalding and burning, sometimes voided in a large gush, at others in thready streams and towards the end drained off drop by drop.

Prunus Spinosa: Must press the organs for a long time before urine passes. Urine seems to pass as Jar as glands and returns and causes pain in urethra.

Hepar Sulph: Urination impeded. Obliged to wait before the urine is passed and then it flows slowly. Feels as if some urine always remains behind in bladder.

Natrum Mur: Cannot pass urine in the presence of other persons. Cannot pass it in a pub1ic place.

Muriaticum Acidum: Cannot urinate without having the bowels moved.

Nux Vom: For spasmodic suppression. He must strain to urinate. There is tenesmus, urging. The bladder is full and the urine dribbles away, yet when he strains, it ceases to dribble.

Ambra Grisea: Cannot pass urine in the presence of other persons. Bloody urine with red sediments.

Alumina Silicate: Paralytic weakness of bladder; ineffectual urging to urinate. Discharge of mucus and pus from urethra; burning whilst urinating. Unsatisfactory feeling in the bladder after urination.

Merc. Sulph: Difficulty in passing urine which is in thin stream. Sometimes bifurcated, burning and sometimes takes a long time to empty the bladder; sometimes a few drops of blood are passed at the end.

Pareira: Urine passed only by going down on knees since confinement of two weeks previously. Must get down on all fours to urinate.

Borax: Child screams before urinating (from inflammation of mucus membrane). Hot urine burns like fire.

Alumina: Slowness in passing urine and stool owing to paralytic state of the rectum and bladder. Has to sit a long time before the flow starts with inability to pass, then stream flows slowly; cannot hurry the flow of urine. Sometimes urine is retained and it dribbles involuntarily. Urine voided while straining at stool or cannot pass urine without such straining.