DIARRHOEA - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 24 October 2017


Nux Vom: It is the remedy which should be given in acute cases which may have arisen as a result of indiscreet dieting, overeating etc. Given in IX potency.

Aloe: It is indicated when the patient is unable to control and has to run to the lavatory. The stool flows like water from a hydrant. Cutting and cramping abdominal pains around the navel, worse by eating and drinking. Urge to pass stool when urinating.

Ergotin: When the rectum has lost all sensation so that the patient has no warning and is never clean. Give in 2X dilution.

Hyoscyamus: Involuntary stool while urinating. Evacuation painless.

Ars Alb: Is useful in cases where there is great restlessness, anguish and intolerance of pain. Great thirst for. small quantities of water at short intervals. Quantity of stool passed is small and the prostration and weakness is out of all proportion to the quantity passed. Diarrhoea due to chilling the stomach with cold substances; of malarial origin.

Veratrum Album: Profuse stools; restlessness; great thirst for large quantities of water; great prostration follows the stool. Cold sweat, coldness and blueness of the body generally.

Acetic Acid: Diarrhoea in phthisis. Diarrhoea, thin, bloody or pure blood. Profuse bleeding from Chronic diarrhoea.

Alumina: Diarrhoea on alternate days.

Fluoric Acid: On alternate days at a later hour each time.

Diarrhoea after bad humour.

Croton Tig: Diarrhoea with three important indications:

(1) stools yellow and watery;
(2) expelled suddenly like a shot, and
(3) aggravated by drink or food. Soft thin stool coming out with one gush or squirt. It is associated with nausea and vomiting. Amelioration from drinking warm water. Every movement causes discharge.

Phytolacca: Diarrhoea during dentition with irresistible desire to bite gums and teeth.

Tarentula H: Stools occur immediately the head is washed. 

Petroleum: Diarrhoea during the day; better during the night when cough starts. Diarrhoea always at the same time.

Argentum Nit: Diarrhoea brought on by taking sugar and candy. Nervous diarrhoea from emotions.

Merc Dulcis: Green diarrhoea in children. Also, study Arg. Nit. and Ipec.

Nux Mosch: Diarrhoea during pregnancy.

Oleander: Diarrhoea with involuntary stools. Gastric affections. Digestion is paralyzed and food passes completely undigested. Stool is passed with flatus.

Thuja: Morning diarrhoea with rumbling in abdomen as if pouring of water from an air tight vessel.

Trombidium: Excellent remedy for diarrhoea when there is aggravation after eating and drinking. Crampy pains before, during and after stools. It has also dysentery.

Digitalis: Diarrhoea during jaundice. White, chalk-like, ashy, pasty stools.

Sanicula: Stools as often as food is taken: must hurry from table after each meal. Must cross legs to prevent stool from escaping. No control over sphincter; often soils himself, standing, running, even at night.

Alstonia Con: Diarrhoea of undigested food immediately after eating, has to leave table before finishing meals. There may be slow fever also.

Merc Cor: In forcibly gushing diarrhoea.

Guaiacum: Diarrhoea; food passed undigested; early morning diarrhoea; grown anaemic: hot patient, also rheumatic.

Argentum Met: Diarrhoea due to mental exertion.

Chaparro Amargoso: Diarrhoea and dysentery-chronic or acute when everything else fails.

Graphites: Stool of brown fluid mixed with undigested substances and an intolerably fetid odour.

Benzoic Acid: Excessively offensive, smelling the whole house. White stool like soap-suds. Putrid, bloody. Diarrhoea of children.

Conium: Diarrhoea with cold stools.

Dulcamara: Specific for hill diarrhoea. When diarrhoea is due to cold.

Syphilinum: Diarrhoea always relieved by going to the mountains.

Psorinum: Diarrhoea smelling like rotten eggs, horribly offensive. Eructations also tasting like rotten eggs.

Silicea: Diarrhoea from taking milk. Due to exposure to cold and evacuations are watery, slimy, greenish or yellow.

Iris Ver: When stools are watery and burn the anus which feels on fire. Nausea with burning in the mouth and oesophagus.

Septicaemin: It works like a magic in diarrhoea in camp life. 

Rhododendron. Diarrhoea in cold wet weather and renewed before thunderstorm.

Arnica: Involuntary stools during sleep.

Camphora: Collapse at the commencement of the disease.

Gratiola: Summer diarrhoea: yellowish, gushing and watery as from a hydrant, from excessive drinking of water; cold feeling in the abdomen. Swelling of mesenteric gland.

Liatris Spicata: Diarrhoea chronic, following exposure in camp life.

Magnesia Carb: Puny and sickly children who get diarrhoea after taking milk or food. They refuse to take food as H gives them pain in stomach and diarrhoea with green stools: marasmus. Stools green and frothy like scum of frog pond.

Sulphur: Morning diarrhoea ordinarily at the time when the patient begins to think about rising; between midnight and morning. Stools offensive and the odour of the stool follows the patient as if he has soiled himself; should also be used as an inter-current remedy.

Podophyllum: Camp diarrhoea due to drinking impure water. Stool horribly offensive. Early morning stool; watery, pasty, yellow or undigested, forcibly expelled, natural stool follows later in the day. Stools are painless. Especially useful in obstinate cases of diarrhoea in children.

Acid Phos: Diarrhoea, watery, thin and comes out without trouble. Patient feels better afterwards. Sphincter becomes weak and there is involuntary escape of faeces. Profuse and long continued diarrhoea does not cause weakness.

Natrum Carb: Diarrhoea brought on by taking milk. It accompanies palpitation as well.

Lithium Carb: Diarrhoea from drinking cocoa or eating chocolate.

Cistus Can: Chronic diarrhoea with swelling of the gland and abdomen which may or may not be tuberculosis.

Opium: In fright when the image causing the fright constantly appears before the mind; in joy.

Veratrum Album: In fright associated with cold sweat.

Argentum Nit: When diarrhoea follows great excitement especially when the imagination been played upon. Green diarrhoea in children when the mother has taken lot of sugar.

Pulsatilla: When the stools are greenish, yellow and slimy, worse at night. Diarrhoea in opium eaters.

Jatropha: Diarrhoea and vomiting. Great palpitation with coldness of the body and cramps in the calves. Simultaneous vomiting and purging as in Asiatic cholera.

Euphorbia Corollata: Diarrhoea and vomiting with cold sweat all over the body. Peculiar mental state. The patient wants to die.

China: Thin watery painless stools, rumbling in abdomen; much thirst and perspiration of the whole body. It is worse after food, especially after taking fruits, and at night or early in the morning.

Rheum: Sourness of the stool, and of the whole body is the ranking symptom of this remedy. It has frothy green, frog pond scum stools. The medicine is specially suitable for children with the above characteristics.

Calcarea Phos: For sour and undigested stools in children, especially when the child is passing through dentition period. Spluttering diarrhoea, forcibly expelled. It is watery, greenish and undigested.

Borax: Stools before making water, diarrhoea after breakfast. 

Strontia: Diarrhoea at night with great urgency, patient is scarcely off the vessel before he has to go again.

Phosphorus: For chronic diarrhoea. It has green mucus stools worse in the morning, often undigested and painless. Stools contain white particles like rice or tallow. The anus remains open after the stools.

Castoreum: For children suffering from green stools in summer. Nervous colic.

Colocynth: Diarrhoea with intense colic; better by pressure, and aggravation from emotional excitement. Bilious secretions with spasmodic colic pains.

Ferrum Met: The patient can hardly wait till the meal is finished. It is almost simultaneous with eating and drinking. The stools are undigested and mostly nocturnal. Evacuation painless in chronic cases.

Gambogia: Diarrhoea of old people; the urging is excessive and the stools are expelled at once with considerable force followed by a feeling of general relief.

Natrum Sulph: Diarrhoea from vegetables, fruit, pastry, cold food and drinks. It is indicated in morning diarrhoea, after the patient has moved about a little after rising from bed. It is different from Sulph. Where the urging drives the patient out of bed long before it is time to leave it. Rumbling and gurgling in bowels, then sudden gushing noisy spluttering stool.

Elaterium: In olive green stools; profuse and gushing.

Abrotanum: Diarrhoea suddenly checked, followed by piles and acute rheumatism. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation.