CHOLERA - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 24 October 2017


Camphora: In one drop a dose in mother tincture is the best remedy as a preventive as well as curative in early stages of cholera when the vomiting and diarrhoea have set in. Early stages with collapse, coldness and sudden perspiration causing prostration. The patient is extremely cold and the discharges are scanty. There is also dryness and blueness of the face. There is no vitality to vomit or purge. Better by warmth. Burning in stomach and oesophagus. No sweat but great insatiable thirst.

Veratrum Alb: For the second stage of cholera when the diarrhoea and vomiting have commenced: there is pain in abdomen before stool, great prostration following stool; cold sweat and cold surface of the body; sense of inner burning. There must be pain in the abdomen for Veratrum to be well indicated. Copious discharges.

Cuprum Met: Intense spasms and cramps beginning in fingers and toes mark this remedy; there is coldness of the surface of the body, blueness of the skin, dryness of the mouth and thirst, violent pains in the epigastrium and ineffectual efforts to vomit. It has vomiting and purging as great as Veratrum; but not the cold sweat.

Aethusa C: In cholera infantum which comes on very suddenly; the child vomits as soon as he drinks milk and then it is followed by great prostration. The milk comes up partly in curds and partly liquid accompanied by thin, yellow greenish slimy stool.

Arsenic Alb: An excellent remedy for cholera infantum after Aethusa fails. It has undigested stools and rapid emaciation. For cholera in adults it is like Veratrum except that it has more restlessness and less sweat. There is thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals, intense vomiting and purging, profuse offensive yellow or brown stools.

Carbo Veg: This is the remedy indicated during last stages of the disease, when the patient lies quiet, great prostration, cold breath and weak pulse which is rapid and thread-like. There is no vomiting or diarrhoea, pain or spasms. The disease has left the holly hut the weakness is so great, as a result of the drain that the patient has reached the stage of non-resistance.

Hydrocyanic Acid: This remedy is indicated at the stage of collapse with sudden cessation or all discharges. Unlike Carbo Veg. it has fainting spells and tetanic spasms.

Elaterium: Cholera infantum; olive green watery stools, coming with a gush.

Lachesis: With burning which is renewed by least exertion.

Secale Cor: A remedy for the last stage when the patient desires to keep cool. Patient is almost pulseless and cold, but averse to being covered.

Jatropha: Cholera, vomiting of ropy, albuminous matter, great prostration, vomiting and purging and rice water stools. Cramps and coldness. It pictures cholera perfectly.