BRIGHT'S DISEASE (Inflammation of the kidneys Nephritis) - Homeopathic Guide


Friday 20 October 2017

BRIGHT'S DISEASE (Inflammation of the kidneys Nephritis)

Aconite N: When brought on by cold or sudden suppression of perspiration by sitting or lying on damp ground, followed by restlessness, thirst, headache and sudden suppression of urine.

Apis Mel: In acute cases of Bright's disease with thirstlessness. In dropsy; oedematous swellings of the face and extremities. Pain in the head, back and limbs and also in kidneys. Urination frequent but scanty. Urine heavily charged with albumin. Feeling of suffocation and breathing difficult. Puffiness with pitting on pressure. All symptoms are aggravated by heat and ameliorated by cold. Give in low potency in which it acts best.

Helleborus: Dropsy due to inflammation of kidney. Urine scanty and dark. Uraemia with unconsciousness pupils dilated and insensible to light; convulsions; strong urinous odour from the body. Effusion occurring within the brain is guiding symptom.

Arsenic Alb: Covers all stages of Bright's disease but mostly indicated in later stages when watery diarrhoea sets in, with pale skin, waxen appearance. Urine loaded with casts and albumin. Thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals. Desire for warmth. Restlessness, puffiness of face, anguish, fear of death. Convulsions.

Cannabis Sativa: Stoppage of urinary duct by pus and mucus. Urine turbid, reddish. Emission drop by drop. Stiches and burning in urethra.

Kali Chlor: Violent nephritis with scanty dark albuminous urine containing casts.

Calcarea Sulph: Anaemia, with progressive emaciation and debility. There is pus in urine. Burning during urination. Much distension of the abdomen. Catarrhal headaches.

Mercurius Cor: Indicated in large white kidney. Scanty and red urine with albumin and casts. Nephritis of pregnancy. Suppurative nephritis. Swelling of feet from fifth to seventh month of pregnancy.

Picric Acid: Hemoglobinuria. Urine contains much indican, granular cylinders and fatty degenerated epithelium. Inflammation of kidneys with profound weakness, dark, bloody, scanty urine. Nightly urging.

Phosphorus: Hemoglobinuria. Urine turbid brown with red sediment and blood.

Cantharis: Uraemic delusions with sense of persecution. Suppression of urine with restlessness, flushed face, sparkling eyes. Urge to pass urine but nothing is voided, there being no urine in the bladder. Dropsy after scarlet fever or diphtheria. Urination painful, only a few drops passing at a time. The urine is scaldy and bloody.

Terebinth: In early stages of congestion of kidneys. Urine bloody with pain along the ureters and in the back.

Plumbum: Granular degeneration of kidneys, gouty kidney. Pale, bloated, heavy expression. Constipation. Albuminuria. Kidney contracted.

Digitalis: Granular degeneration of the kidneys with palpitation of heart, slow pulse.

Benzoic Acid: Renal pains that are sharp and severe, radiating through the back and even to chest. Urine dark and strongly ammoniacal. The odour is exceedingly penetrating. Nephritis accompanied with rheumatism is the guiding symptom.

Mercurius Cynat: Excellent remedy in the first and second stage. The urine is scanty, dark, loaded with albumin. Pain in the tubes of kidney.

Apocynum: Dropsical condition with scanty urine and thirst. There is no thirst in Apis with which this remedy is comparable. Indicated in coma and convulsions in nephritis of pregnancy.

Vesicaria: Nephralgia. Nervous pain in kidneys, dribbling, of urine with burning in urethra and irritable bladder. Passing urine about thirty times in the night. Gonorrhoea, brick dust sediments in urine. It also cures polyuria. Passing too much urine. Painful urination, pus, albumin and bloody urine in dropsy.

Colchicum: Album in urine which becomes black, scanty urine with dropsical swelling. Acute form of Bright's disease.

Solidago: Tenderness of kidneys to slightest touch with pain extending from kidneys to abdomen, bladder and down the limbs. Urine red, brown, scanty, thick, voided with difficulty, albuminous, mucus, phosphatic urine. Give IX or 3X.

Lycopodium: When red sand is passed with urine with nephritis and dropsy.

Nitric Acid: Kidney disease associated with ear trouble such as yellowish-white discharge from the ear. Urine smelling like that of a horse.

Arsenic Brom: When albuminuria is associated with diabetes. It should be given when Plumbum fails.