ATROPHY (Wasting away) - Homeopathic Guide


Thursday 12 October 2017

ATROPHY (Wasting away)

Onomodium: For restoring diminutive or absent breasts to their normal size. Give in CM potency.

Chimaphila: An excellent remedy for atrophy or hypertrophy (over development) of mammae.

Sabal Serr: Breasts shrunk due to delayed menses, or due to other diseases of uterus.

Nux Mosch: Breasts become flat which were once well rounded. Breasts too small, and without milk. Nipples retracted.

Kreosote: Dwindling of mammae with small hard painful lumps.

Conium: Atrophy of mammae leaving a flascid, bag-like skin. It also has enlargement and induration.

Dulcamara: When accompanied by leucorrhoea or amenorrhoea (absence of menses).

Iodium: Dwindling of mammae while other glands become enlarged.