YAWNING - Homeopathic Guide


Sunday 10 September 2017


Aconite N: Frequent yawning without sleepiness.

Lycopodium: Yawning after eating.

Nux Vom: Yawning for hours after eating.

Ignatia: Yawning after sleep while eating; excessive yawning as if jaw would be dislocated.

Rhus Tox: Severe yawning threatening to dislocate jaw. Lower jaw stiff and painful.

Natrum Mur: Yawning with internal chilliness.

Sulphur: Frequent yawning with eructations during the day.

Chelidonium: Frequent yawning with stretching and sleepiness.

Lachesis: Yawning with restlessness and pain in back.

Tellurium: Yawning after retching, drowsy after eating.

Amyl. Nit: Profound and repeated yawning. Constant stretching for hours, would seize the bed and call for help to stretch.

Plumbum: To stretch and yawn incessantly.