WHITE LEG OR WRINKLES - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 12 September 2017


Lycopodium: Wrinkled and sickly, especially the upper part of the body. The forehead may be frowning or wrinkled. Patient is peevish and irritable; cannot endure opposition.

Veratrum Alb: Wrinkled skin; vomiting and watery diarrhoea; bluish fa e; pointed nose.

Abrotanum: When the whole body is emaciated and wrinkled. The face looks old, the infant looks like an old person. The face is wrinkled and has a sickly look. The skin is flabby and hangs loose in folds.

Aurum Mur: Wrinkles on the face due to syphilis. Body large and fat but legs too thin.

Argentum Nit: Progressive emaciation especially of lower extremities. Withered, dried up and old looking.

Sanicula: Progressive emaciation; child looks dirty, greasy and brownish; skin about neck wrinkled, hangs in folds.