WARTS - Homeopathic Guide


Sunday 17 September 2017


Thuja: In crops; wart-like excrescences on back of head, on chin, etc. Flat black warts, large seedy, pedunculated; sometimes oozing moisture and bleeding readily.

Calcarea Carb: Small, horny warts in large numbers with itching and stinging; inflamed; ulcerated.

Sulphur: Hard, painful, throbbing warts. Natrum Mur. Warts on the palms.

Kali Mur: Warts on the hands.

Sepia: Warts on margin of prepuce; on the body; large hard black warts.

Causticum: Warts soft at base, horny on surface; warts on arms and hands, on eyelids and face. Many very small warts.

Ruta G: Warts with sore pains; flat; smooth on palms of hands. Dulcamara. Warts on back of hands.

Staph: Fig warts, dry pedunculated, cauliflower like, after abuse of mercury.

Nit Acid: Warts, condylomata, sycotic, or syphilitic, large jagged, pedunculated, bleeding readily on washing, moist oozing; sticking pain.

Magnesia Sulph: Warts on entire face.

Sabina: Fig warts with intolerable itching and burning; exuberant granulations.

Ferrum Pic: Multiple warts. Hands covered with warts; specific for corns.

Nat. Carb: Warts on palms of hands; sore to touch.