TUMOURS - Homeopathic Guide


Sunday 17 September 2017


 (See also "TUMOURS under GENITALIA - FEMALE")

Calcarea Flour: Hardened lumps and knots. Indurated glands of stony hardness. An excellent remedy for cold abscesses. Prevents development of cancers. Hardened lumps in female breasts.

Conium: Great hardness of the infiltrated glands with stitching pains, worse at night. Cancer, mammary tumours, or beginning of cancer. Chief remedy for glandular contusions and bruises.

Mag. Carb: It has cured body tumours.

Berb. Vul: For tumours and sessile growths.

Thuja: Tumours in irritable and fastidious persons. Constipation causing flatulence, empty eructations. Cannot tolerate sun- heat, wants to bathe in cold water. Sweat on uncovered parts.

Bellis P: Tumours of traumatic origin (due to injury). If in addition spleen is affected, give Ceanothus IX in alternation.

Radium Br: It may be tried as an inter-current remedy in caner. It is useful in all stages.

Lapis Albus: It cures early stage of mammary cancer.

Hecla Lava: It is useful for tumours and arrests pain thus obviating the necessity for morphia injection. Patient has a typical malignant look; a wasted, pallid and exhausted wreck.

Calcarea Carb: Tumours in scrofulous subjects. It should be tried in neuroma (neuroma tumours), suppurating tumours or tumours reappearing every 4 weeks. Sanguineous tumours which contain blood- stained fluid.

Baryta Carb: Tumours especially about the neck. Fatty tumours, especially on the back. Tension in the muscles of the back.

Phosphorus: Tumours on the neck.

Hydrastis: Useful in goitre and uterine cancer. It allays the pains in simple glandular tumours of the breast.

Carb Animalis: Mammary tumours or cancer or little nodes which are hard as stone; axillary glands swollen with drawing pains through the mammae.

Kali Cyanatum: Brain tumour causing severe headache.

Arnica M 200:
Hypericum 200:

Try in the given order for six months in each case, to be given twice daily morning and evening.

Baryta Iod: Hard tumours.