PERSPIRATION (SWEAT) - Homeopathic Guide


Monday 18 September 2017


Calcarea Carb: Perspiration in flabby persons or children which wets the pillow. It is a constitutional remedy. Debilitating sweat. Sweating of head during sleep. Sweat in spots. When feet become cold, they sweat.

Silicea: Head remedy for perspiration, especially on palms of hands and soles of feet. Sweat with foul smell.

Sambucus: During waking hours, non -debilitating. Stops as soon as he falls asleep.

Magnesia Mur: Foot sweat or burning in soles of feet.

Veratrum Alb: Burning whilst in cold sweat. Chill and heat alternating. Cold sweat ordinarily on face.

Magnesia Carb: Sour perspiration.

Petroleum: Perspiration offensive, especially in axilla. It can be observed as soon as the patient enters the room, it is so offensive.

Benzoic Acid: Perspiration on the side not lain on. Uric acid in urine, highly coloured and very offensive urine like that of horse's urine.

Tarent: Profuse sweat from music.

Conium: Sweats as soon as one sleeps whether during the day or night,

or even on closing the eyes. (Reverse of Sambucus)

Mercurius: Profuse perspiration when walking; perspiration day and night though more during night, fatty, oily and offensive perspiration soaking the bed clothes. Offensiveness runs all through, offensive urine, stool and sweat, it has a strong, sweetish and penetrating odour. Anxiety and cold sweat while eating.

Lachesis: Sweat with palpitation of heart; bloody sweat.

Aconite N: Cold sweat on palms of hands. perspiration on the side lain on.

Kali Carb: Perspiration in painful parts.

Hepar Sul. Cold and foul foot sweat.

Pulsatilla: Sweat only on one part of the body. Similarly heat only of one part of the body whilst the other part is cold.

Salicylic Acid: Copious foul smelling sweat of feet. Sensation as if feet is to perspire.

Sanicula: Sweating of head at night in emaciated children with offensive foot sweat. Sweat on covered parts only (opposite of Thuja). Sweating of hands when put together.

Tuberculinum: Perspiration from mental exertion, stains linen yellow. Night sweats. Sensitive to change in weather, to cold, damp, warm or rainy weather. Worse before a storm.

Nitric Acid: Profuse sweat of hands and feet.

Ant. Tart: Profuse sweat on affect parts.

Tellurium: Offensive foot sweat.

Naphthaline: Exhausting night sweats, during the day thin offensive diarrhoea.

Carbo Ani: Sweat stains yellow.

Graphites: Sweat stains yellow, sour, offensive.

Belladonna: Perspiration on covered parts.

Psorinum: Perspiration on least exertion.

Staph: Sweat smelling of rotten eggs. Night sweats in patients bordering on consumption.

Osmium: Axillary sweat like garlic.

Jaborandi: Profuse perspiration beginning on the face and head and extending all over the body and followed by coldness of extremities and terminating in vomiting of sour mucus.

Aconite Lycotonum: Sweat on hands.

Laurocerasus: Sweat in cold patients in warm room relieved by walking in open air.

Aurum Met: Perspiration with thick urine which is cloudy and very fetid.

Croton T: Bloody sweat.

Chininum Ars: Profuse and exhausting sweat when asleep.

Ignatia: Sweat on the face on a small spot only while eating. Caladium. Sweetish odour of perspiration which attracts flies.

Thuja: Sweat on uncovered parts of the body and no sweat on covered parts. Sweat about genitalia offensive. Sweat oily, sweetish, fetid. Sweat on the side not lain on.

Natrum Mur: Sweats whilst eating.

Chamomilla: The face sweats after eating or drinking.

Fluoric Acid: Hands and feet constantly bathed in perspiration.