OEDEMA (Dropsical swelling) - Homeopathic Guide


Monday 18 September 2017

OEDEMA (Dropsical swelling)

Aurum Mur: Dropsical swelling with albuminuria, from induration of abdominal organs, with intermittent fever; hectic fever; from diseases of liver or spleen.

Natrum Chloratum: Swelling of hands on walking.

Apis Mel: Oedema in ascites (abdominal dropsy) with scanty urine; Bright's disease; after suppressed eruptions; of renal origin with transparency of the skin and thirstlessness, urine highly albuminous. Oedema of the membrane. Neurotic oedema. Puffiness with pitting on pressure.

Apocynum: Oedema in ascites with scanty urine but with great thirst. This is reverse of Apis Mel. Dropsical swelling due to stopping of menstrual flow; distension and tenderness of abdomen, or it may be due to too much menstrual flow with exhaustion, gasping for breath and wheezing.

Ars. Alb: Oedema in heart diseases due to hypertrophy of the heart of drunkards. Oedema mostly of the skin about the eyes, face and ankles. The patient is restless, anxious and sleepless. Dryness of the mouth.

Phosphorus: With diarrhoea in nephritis; with anaemia.

Vesicaria: Oedema due to complete failure of kidneys, which stop secreting urine. No urine passed on account of stopping of the function of the kidneys. Give in one drachm doses of the mother tincture.

Kali Iod: From pressure of swollen glands.

Lachesis: In heart diseases; first right and then left leg.

Terebinth: From congestion of kidneys; with kidney affections, prostration.

China: With debility and anaemia.

Phaseolus N: Dropsy due to heart diseases with liver and kidney complications. Renal and cardiac dropsies are speedily relieved. Urine largely increased in quantity, albumen quickly disappears.

Hydrocotyle: Oedema, elephantiasis, filaria. This remedy is specific and infallible. Give in IX dilution.

Thyroidinum: Oedema of limbs and face without any apparent cause.

Rhus Tox: Oedema of scrotum, the penis, the vulva and about the mouth. It affects the skin rather than the membrane.